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Washington County Transportation Funding

How Washington County pays for road construction, maintenance and improvements is complex.

Many of us drive, ride and walk on Washington County roads every day, without thinking about them. Washington County maintains about 1,300 miles of rural and urban roads as part of its Transportation System Plan.

Transportation Funding FY 2024-25

Funding sources include:

  • Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP): We collect MSTIP funds through property taxes. We use the funds to pay for projects directly, or we use them to leverage other local, state or federal funds.
  • State and County gas taxes and fees: Cities and counties each receive part of the 30-cents-per-gallon gas tax, large truck weight-mile fees and vehicle registration fees collected by the state. Washington County also has an added one-cent-per-gallon gas tax. We use gas-tax dollars to cover the cost of maintaining our existing roads.
  • Transportation Development Tax (TDT): New development pays the TDT when building or occupancy permits are issued for a use that affects our transportation system. TDT funds transportation projects that improve high-traffic areas throughout the county.
  • County Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF): A $30 per year County vehicle registration fee helps pay to maintain local roads. Fees are collected by the state Driver and Motor Vehicle Services (DMV) on both renewals and new registrations in Washington County. The money from the VRF is split 60/40 between the County and the cities within the County as required by state statute. The city portions are decided by population.
  • Grant funds: We compete for limited federal, state and regional grants to pay for major projects. These grants usually limit the types of projects that can be funded.
  • Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD): This county service district funds neighborhood streets and small safety improvements on roads within our urban unincorporated communities.


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