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Organization, Policies and Procedures

Washington County's foundational documents shape the organization and its practices.

The voter-approved Washington County Charter provides for a Council-Manager form of government. The Charter gives the five-member Board of County Commissioners legislative responsibility. The Charter also designates administrative authority to a board-appointed, professional County Administrator.

These documents establish the organization’s structure, policies and procedures:

County Organizational Chart

Charter – The founding document, approved and amended by Washington County voters, establishing the powers and structure under the County’s “home rule” authority provided by Oregon law.

Code of Ordinances(Link is external) – These are the laws of the Washington County government adopted through a legislative process provided in the Charter. An ordinance may be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners or by the people through initiative.

Administrative Manual – This document prescribes the names of each department and office as well as the title and responsibilities of each director or top manager. The Administrative Manual is called for in Washington County Code (ch. 2.04 § 110 (2017)(Link is external)).

Administrative Policies and Procedures – These documents set up the official practices the Washington County organization uses to govern and manage its business.

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