On this page
This page does not include departmental policies. For departmental policies, please visit the appropriate department or use the search in the upper right of this page.
General Provisions
Administrative Policies and Procedures
Process to Adopt, Amend or Rescind County Policies
General Administration
Facility Closure or Curtailment Due to Hazardous Conditions
Retention of Independent Legal Counsel
Public Records Request
Reporting Improper Governmental Conduct
Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement
Temporary requirement for face coverings in County buildings due to COVID-19
Language Assistance
Management, Preservation and Storage of Electronic Public Records
Energy Management
Equitable Community Engagement
Access for People with Disabilities
Fair Treatment, Equal Protection, and Nondiscrimination
Human Resources
Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Retaliation Prevention
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Military Leave
Expression of Milk in the Workplace
Family Medical Leave
American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Deferred Compensation Plan
Bilingual Pay
Variable Hour Jail Deputy Incentive
Work After PERS Retirement
Alternative Work Schedules
Telecommuting/Remote Work
Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 Vacation Accrual Cap and MAPPS Utilization Cap (Amended Dec. 15, 2020)
Limited Duration Appointment to Assist in COVID-19 Response
Voluntary Separation Program
COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate for Health Care Workers
Medical Exemption Form (Word, 45.1 KB)
Religious Exemption Form (Word, 44.1 KB)
Financial Management and Purchasing
Travel and Business Expense
Contract Administration
Budget Policy
Budget Contingency and Reserve
Comprehensive Financial Management
Employee Allowances
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