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Public Hearings Agendas & Recordings

Agendas and recordings for Public Hearings before the Hearings Officer.

Open Record Period 4 Applicant Final Argument 06-17-24Monthly hearings are scheduled for:

  • Type III land use applications. The Hearings Officer hears testimony from staff, applicants and any interested parties. The Hearings Officer takes all testimony into consideration before issuing decisions on applications.
    • Public notice is required for all Type III applications. Application packets are sent to Community Participation Organizations (CPOs). Notices are sent to neighbors within the notification area (500 feet urban/1,000 feet rural) of the proposed development. Comments can be submitted until the hearing date or can be provided through participation at the Public Hearing.
  • Appeals on Type I, Type II or Director’s decision.
  • Code compliance/Notices of Civil Violation (NCVs). NCVs are issued for building and development code violations. The hearings are similar to court proceedings. Public testimony is generally not allowed.

Hearings Officer Agendas, Results and Recordings

Jan. 18, 2024
Feb. 15, 2024


March 21, 2024
April 18, 2024
May 16, 2024
June 20, 2024


July 18, 2024
Aug. 15, 2024
  • Agenda and Notices
  • Hearings results with audio
Sept. 19, 2024
  • Agenda and Notices
  • Hearings results with audio
Oct. 17, 2024
  • Agenda and Notices
  • Hearings results with audio
Nov. 21, 2024
  • Agenda and Notices
  • Hearings results with audio
Dec. 19, 2024
  • Agenda and Notices
  • Hearing results with audio
