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Procedure Types

Development Review Process and links to the four development application types.

The land use permitting program has two review sections:

  • Urban Development Review processes and reviews development inside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)
  • Rural Development Review processes and reviews development outside the UGB

Four types of land use permitting review:

  • Type I - No recognizable impacts. No discretion is required to issue a decision.
  • Type II - Impacts and actions are presumed to be appropriate in the district. Limited discretion is required to issue a decision.
  • Type III - Possible significant impacts to surrounding properties. Decisions are made by an impartial third party or Hearings Officer and often involve significant discretion.
  • Type IV - These actions are legislative. They involve the creation or broad scale implementation/revision of public policy. Decisions are made by County Commissioners or their Planning Commission appointees.