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What if my property contains Significant Natural Resource areas?

Does your property include Significant Natural Resource areas? If so, specific regulations may apply before you can develop your property or remove certain trees. Learn more.

Washington County's updated maps and regulations apply to proposed development and tree removal in Significant Natural Resources (SNR) areas. The updates were included in A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 901 and A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 902, effective Dec. 5, 2024.

Do you think your property contains SNR areas?

We strongly encourage you to request a pre-application conference with our Development Review/Current Planning staff to learn more about any regulations related to proposed development and/or tree removal that may impact your property.

Find your property

Click on this map image to go to the SNR Property Lookup tool.
Click/tap to open.

Use this SNR interactive map to see if your property includes Riparian Wildlife and Upland Wildlife Habitat areas where SNR regulations apply.

  1. Open the interactive map
  2. Enter the address or tax lot number in the "Find address or place" bar at the top left corner of the map screen.
    • Don't know the address or tax lot number? Search visually by dragging the map and zooming in.
    • There is a legend at the top left corner. Click/tap to see how different map elements are displayed.
  3. Once you find the property, click/tap to see SNR areas.

Please confirm the location of the SNR areas using the map or check with Development Review/Current Planning by email or phone at 503-846-8761.

Rural Natural Resource Plan
Rural Natural Resource Plan and Maps Icon

The Rural Natural Resource Plan provides the framework for guiding future land use decisions in Washington County in areas outside of the established urban growth boundaries (UGB). The plan includes 36 maps.

The Plan


Community Plans
Community Plans Icon

Community plans reflect the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area policies and strategies. Requirements and standards are applied to development applications including, land divisions and new development.

See All Community Plans

Pre-application Conference Request Form
Community Development Code (CDC) Icon

Pre-application conferences are strongly encouraged for proposed developments on with mapped SNRs. Complete the form to schedule an appointment.

Pre-application Conference Request Form


Effective Dec. 5, 2024, County maps and regulations have been updated and apply to proposed development and tree removal in Significant Natural Resources (SNR) areas. These maps and regulations are found in the County’s Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area (CFP), all Community Plans and the Community Development Code Section 422.

Our current regulations apply to habitat areas in the urban unincorporated area. Significant Habitat is shown on the Community Plan Significant Natural and Cultural Resources maps. There are different regulations for the rural area.

For the urban unincorporated area (areas outside of cities), the County's map showing areas with SNRs are found in the community plans. Staff can assist you via email or in person by visiting our offices during regular business hours.

For lands outside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), the Rural/Natural Resource Plan (RNRP) contains maps that show the properties that may have SNR areas.

Please contact Development Review/Current Planning to confirm the location and types of mapped SNR on your site by emailing [email protected] or calling 503-846-8761. Staff can also assist you in person. Visit us in Suite 350 in the Public Services Building during regular business hours.

The Significant Natural Resources and Cultural (SNR) map shows areas where natural resources are located. The County regulates two types of SNRs: Riparian Wildlife Habitat and Upland Wildlife Habitat. Together, these make up the Significant Habitat.

We strongly encourage you to request a pre-application conference with our Development Review/Current Planning staff to learn more about any regulations related to proposed development and/or tree removal that may impact your property.

Significant Habitat boundaries must be confirmed when proposing development or removing trees within the Significant Habitat boundary. The SNR map “flags” the area, letting us know that further information is needed if new development or tree removal is proposed.

Statewide Planning Goal 5 (Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces) is a broad statewide planning goal covering a number of resources, including significant fish and wildlife habitats. It requires local governments to identify and apply appropriate protections to Significant Natural Resource (SNR) areas. Our Community Development Code Section 422 includes regulations that protect, preserve or mitigate impacts to these resources.
