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Referral and System Coordination

The Homeless Services Division provides multiple coordination services to increase equitable access to programming and ensure efficient and effective outcomes in our programs.

The Homeless Services Division provides multiple coordination services to increase equitable access to programming and ensure efficient and effective outcomes in our programs. This system coordination includes:

  • Community Connect: An assessment and referral system to match people in need with available housing and shelter services. Community Connect, Washington County’s Coordinated Entry System, works both as a phone line and a data management system accessed by over 150 community workers to coordinate care for the thousands of people served each year.

  • Built for Zero Case Conferencing: A practice of convening outreach providers, case managers and other community workers to strategize intensive coordination and services for people who are struggling to access shelter and housing.

  • Housing Liaisons: Expert housing system workers embedded in other systems of care such as behavioral health, disability services, corrections and more, to ensure smooth connections to housing resources and leverage existing relationships in other service systems.

An Evolving System of Care…

Melia at Community Connect office

Melia Deters, Homeless Access Coordinator for Community Connect reflects on growth in available resources and services. “Being able to do a non-invasive, culturally responsive, 20-minute assessment immediately with households has changed our system! Households used to have to schedule appointments, sometimes three weeks out. We had constant no-shows and couldn’t offer an immediate assessment when someone called in with emergency need.”