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Funding to End Homelessness

Washington County is rapidly expanding investments to prevent and end homelessness. These resources are strategically coordinated and leveraged to maximize community impact.

Supportive Housing Services Measure - voters approved Measure 26-210 in May 2020, establishing income taxes on high-earning households and business profits estimated to generate $200 million per year, for ten years. This is the largest per-capita investment in ending homelessness in the United States. Washington County receives 33.3% of this tax, approximately $70 million annually.

Federal Continuum of Care Grant - serving as the Continuum of Care for Washington County, the Homeless Services Division receives approximately $4.5 million annually to invest in the array of services coordinated by the Division. These federal funds are administered and regulated by HUD.

Washington County Public Safety Levy - County voters renewed the public safety levy in May 2020, continuing investments in law enforcement and other public safety activities. These funds support our emergency shelter network and housing programs with approximately $2 million annually from this program to invest in Homeless Services directly related to public safety.