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Homeless Services Division

The Homeless Services Division partners with community-based organizations, affordable housing owners and independent landlords to provide housing assistance and supportive service programs that help families and individuals achieve housing stability.

Washington County is committed to preventing and ending homelessness. The Homeless Services Division partners with community-based organizations, affordable housing owners and independent landlords to provide housing assistance and supportive service programs that help families and individuals achieve housing stability.

Homelessness is a growing concern across Washington County with rising housing costs and limited affordable housing options for families, seniors, veterans, and people with disability conditions. Homelessness disproportionately impacts people of color who are more likely to experience housing discrimination and economic hardship. The Homeless Services Division provides evidence based, trauma informed, and culturally responsive programs designed to advance equity while ending homelessness.

Serving as Washington County’s Continuum of Care entity, the Homeless Services Division supports a system that provides thousands of families and individuals with emergency shelter, housing navigation, move-in assistance and wrap-around support services every year. These programs are funded with federal, state, and local resources, including the Supportive Housing Services measure approved by voters in 2020. These resources, programs, and our community-based partners are coordinated to create a system of care working to end homelessness across Washington Country every day.

Learn more about Washington County's successful use of Supportive Housing Services funds in this handout.