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Forestland Classification Committee

Providing Washington County residents with information about the Forestland Classification process, timely notice of upcoming meetings, and access to minutes from previous meetings.


State law recognizes the importance of protecting Oregon’s landscape from wildfire. Landowners have a responsibility by law to protect their property from fire and from potential liability in the event a fire spreads to other properties. This arrangement protects the individual landowner, his/her neighbors, and the forest resource. The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) provides fire protection on forest and grazing lands through a public-private partnership, funded by landowners and the state. Some of the private portion is collected through per-parcel fees. The state also provides dollars through its General Fund, in recognition of the broader public role in wildfire protection.

Wildfire Protection in Washington County

The Oregon Department of Forestry is responsible for protecting public and private forestland from fire, including the "Wildland-Urban Interface" where houses and other structures lie within the reach of wildfire. For Washington County, this protection is provided by the Forest Grove/Northwest Oregon District.

Forestlands in Washington County have been part of the Department of Forestry's protection responsibility for many decades, however a formal classification determination for forestland has not been done since the districts were formed. Forestland classification determines which lands within the District boundary are protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry. Classified forestlands are assessed for fire protection through the annual property tax statement to support that service.

The purpose of this website is to provide Washington County residents with information about the Forestland Classification process, timely notice of upcoming meetings, and access to minutes.