Featured Services
Property Information
View property tax statements, view individual valuation information, sales history.Passports
Hours of operation, services, and exceptions to needing a passport.Marriage Licenses
How to get a marriage license in Washington County.Recording a Document
Recording requirements and processes.Pay Property Taxes
View various ways to pay taxes, including online, by mail, and in person.PVAB Appeals Hearings
Get more information about Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) hearings for the 2024 tax year, including Zoom links for upcoming hearings.Welcome to the Washington County Department of Assessment & Taxation
We’re here to serve our communities by making it simple and straightforward to get the services you need when you need them.
Our lobbies are open. We, however, continue to encourage the public to use the alternate options of phone, e-mail, USPS, online, or drop box.
Please call us at one of the numbers listed to discuss your service needs:
- Recording: 503-846-8752(Link opens phone app)
- Marriage Licenses: 503-846-8752(Link opens phone app)
- Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) formerly Board of Property Tax Appeals (BOPTA): 503-846-3854(Link opens phone app)
- Senior Citizen Deferral: 503-846-8741(Link opens phone app)
- Veterans Exemptions: 503-846-8741(Link opens phone app)
- Manufactured Homes: 503-846-8741(Link opens phone app)
- Property Taxes: 503-846-8801(Link opens phone app)
- Passports: 503-846-8741(Link opens phone app)
- Appraisal: 503-846-8826(Link opens phone app)
- Cartography: 503-846-8871(Link opens phone app)

Washington County Recording Office
155 N First Avenue
Room 130
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Room 130
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124