Below you can find information on how to work with our Cartography team, how to learn about property ownership, how to see our maps, and more.
What we do
We can help you find information about:
- property ownership
- assessor maps and property boundaries
- condominium name reservations
What we don't do
The Cartography section cannot:
- help you fill out deeds or other documents
- tell you which type of deed or other document to use
- locate your property boundaries on the ground
I'd like to find out who owns a property
Owner names are available on the computers in our customer service lobby or by contacting us directly:
- Call us at 503-846-8741
- Send an email to [email protected]
- Use our customer service computers located in suite 130 of the Public Services Building, 155 N First Street, Hillsboro.
I'd like to change the ownership of my property
Name changes on properties may happen due to marriage, death, divorce, or other court orders. Please note that our ownership records are for property tax purposes only.
I'd like to see a map of my property’s taxlot boundaries
You can use Intermap to view your property’s boundaries, get a copy of your assessor map, and see other details. Please note that we map boundaries for property tax purposes only.
I'd like to make changes to my property’s boundaries
The Cartography section makes changes to the assessor maps after deeds, plats, or other documents are recorded.
- Contact your local planning jurisdiction (city or county) to begin the process. Once approved you will need to record any required documents.
- How to record documents
I'd like to reserve the name of a condominium
If you’re building a condominium and need to reserve the name, we can help.
- How to reserve a condominium name
Download, fill out the form, and return to the email address provided on the form:
- Subdivision names are reserved by the County Surveyor's office
Have questions? Visit the Cartography FAQ page
Don't see what you're looking for? Please reach out:
Phone: 503-846-8871
Email: [email protected]
Español: Para más información, llame al 503-846-8871