The Oregon Building Codes Division (BCD) maintains the records for all manufactured homes in Oregon that are not deeded as "real property." Washington County acts as an agent for the BCD. We accept transactions for homes located in Washington County. These transactions can include:
- Ownership changes
- Adding or removing a secured lender
- Moving a home
- Demolishing a home
- Adding or removing a home from real property
The Manufactured Home Document System (MHODS) forms needed for every transaction are available on the Building Codes Division's website. You can also request forms from our office.
Every transaction must have a valid Tax Certification. You get this form from the county in which the home is located. It certifies that all taxes on the account are paid in full.
The MHODS forms and required fees may be submitted to either Washington County or the state BCD office. If we're processing the transaction, you may request the Tax Certification at the time you submit the MHODS documents to us. If the state BCD is processing the transaction, you must obtain a Tax Certification from our office PRIOR to submitting the MHODS documents to the state.
The state will mail a new ownership document to the owner of record after the transaction is processed.
Additional information may be found in the Manufactured Home Ownership Document Transaction Guide.

Department of Assessment & Taxation
Suite 130, MS 9
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124