If you're the surviving spouse or registered domestic partner of any of the following, you may be entitled to a property tax exemption on your primary residence if the officer was killed in the line of duty:
- Fire service professional
- Police officer
- Reserve officer
To be eligible, you must:
- Be an Oregon resident
- Own your home
- Live in your home as your primary residence
- Not have entered into a new marriage/domestic partnership
- File a Surviving Spouse of a Public Safety Officer Claim form(Link is external) with us, along with supporting documents:
- Written statement issued by the agency that employed the public safety officer certifying they were killed in the line of duty
- Death certificate
- Marriage certificate
- If property is held in trust, include revocable trust documentation
You must file between January 1st and April 1st.
Forms and additional information can be obtained from the following:
In Salem:
Oregon Department of Revenue(Link is external)
Telephone: 503-378-4988(Link opens phone app)
Toll free in Oregon: 800-356-4222(Link opens phone app)
TTY (hearing or speech impaired only):
800-886-7204(Link opens phone app), within Oregon
503-945-8617(Link opens phone app), in Salem
In Hillsboro:
Department of Assessment & Taxation
155 N First Avenue, Suite 130, MS8
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Telephone: 503-846-8741(Link opens phone app)
TTY (hearing or speech impaired only): 503-846-8601(Link opens phone app)

Department of Assessment & Taxation
Suite 130, MS 9
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124