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Classification Process

An overview of the Oregon Forestland Classification system and review process in Washington County.

Forestland Classification Background

Classification of lands as “forestland” determines where the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) has fire protection responsibilities. Lands classified as forestland within the District boundary receive wildland fire protection from ODF and are assessed for fire protection.

The Oregon Department of Forestry's forestland classification system originated with the passage of the Forest Land Classification Act by the Oregon Legislature in 1937. By the 1950s, the system had been adopted statewide with significant regional variation in interpretation and application.

Many things have changed in the past 70 years. Land use patterns and the wildfire protection environment are much different today. Washington County's population has increased substantially, and development patterns have changed.

People are building homes and living in rural areas among flammable vegetation that can sustain and carry fire. These Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas, containing a mix of flammable vegetation and private homes, now cover large portions of the forest protection district. As a consequence of these trends, both the complexity and the costs of the ODF fire protection program have increased. Many of the conditions under which ODF's forestland classification system was originally established 70 years ago no longer apply.

In response to frequent issues and questions arising with classification efforts, in 2007 ODF formally initiated a thorough review of the statutes, rules, and policy that make up the forestland classification framework.

Key goals of this review were to update the classification system to reflect current conditions and identify ways to improve the efficiency and consistency of its administration. One of the outcomes of this review has led to a Forestland Classification review of all lands in Washington County.

Forestland Classification in Oregon Today

Since its inception in the 1930s, Oregon's forestland classification system has evolved in response to changes in land use and markets, as well as social and political pressures and events. Discussion of where ODF should or should not be providing wildfire protection, and who should pay for this protection, has been going on for decades.

These issues have come to the fore in recent decades with expensive and dangerous fires in forest interface subdivisions throughout the state, and as rapid expansion and development of Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas make ODF involvement in these areas increasingly complicated and costly.

Rural fire departments have expertise primarily in structure fires, and medical response, and work jointly with the Oregon Department of Forestry on wildland fires.

ODF's expertise is in wildfire perimeter control, minimizing the size of fires moving across the landscape, often before these fires reach homes and roads. ODF uses different tactics and resources than structure fire protection agencies, and has access to a complete and coordinated statewide system, that includes bulldozers and aircraft, etc.

As housing density, along with structural protection presence and capability, increases in WUI areas, ODF districts meet periodically to review longstanding fire protection arrangements with rural and municipal fire departments to ensure adequate coverage for homes and natural resources within these areas.

Forest Classification Review Process

The review will be conducted by a county Forestland Classification Committee, as authorized under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 526.310.

Per statute, the Washington County Board of Commissioners will appoint three (3) committee members, the Director of the Oregon State University Extension Service appointed one member, the State Fire Marshal appointed one member, and ODF appointed one member, for a total of six committee members.