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The Washington County Forestland Classification Committee (WCFCC) groundwork, meetings, and members.

Committee Groundwork

The Washington County Forestland Classification Committee (WCFCC) will begin meeting early in 2024. In the first several meetings the Committee will learn about the process of reclassification, establish bylaws, determine how the WCFCC will conduct its business, and clarify a protocol for implementation.

Following these foundational meetings, the WCFCC will begin meeting to make draft classification determinations on all Washington County lands within the Protection District. The Committee will systematically make and record the draft determinations across each Township and Section.

Committee Meetings

WCFCC meetings are open to the public. Notices of upcoming meetings will be posted on the Washington County website, in the Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building, and at the Forest Grove Office of the Oregon Department of Forestry.

There will also be meetings to collect public comment on the draft determinations and process used for classifying forestlands. Following the public meetings and the adoption of preliminary classifications, the Committee will hold a final public hearing. After any last revisions, they will adopt the final classifications. A written order will be filed with the Washington County Clerk, and the results of the classification review will be passed on to the Washington County Assessor's Office, where they will implement the changes to the property tax rolls.

Per ORS 526.332, forestland determinations are subject to appeal by property owners. This appeal must be made to the county circuit court, not to the Board of Property Tax Appeals.

Committee Members

Chart of committee members will be provided once appointed by the Washington County Board of Commissioners.