Generally, the right-of-way or acquired easements will be cleared of features impacted by the pending construction. Some details about what is cleared:
- Vegetation such as trees, mowed or manicured plantings and overgrown bushes may be cleared.
- Typically, mailboxes are in the existing public right-of-way. In these instances, mailboxes may be temporarily relocated during construction.
- Prior to construction, property owners will be provided an advance notice so they have an opportunity to remove private features (such as irrigation lines, sprinkler heads, ornamental vegetation, decorative lawn features, walls, etc.). Any features remaining in the right-of-way at the start of construction are subject to removal by the contractors for disposal.
Once the project is completed, areas disturbed by construction will be put back to similar or better conditions (including seeding or bark dust). Related details are often explained during the easement acquisition process.