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Walker Road Phase 2 Schendel Avenue to Butner Road

Walker Road is being improved between Butner Road and Schendel Avenue. This is the second phase of construction.

We will widen Walker Road between Schendel Avenue and Butner Road to five lanes, two travel lanes in each direction and a center turn lane, with continuous bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

Storm drainage will be upgraded and additional street lighting will be installed.

This is the second phase of capacity improvements to Walker Road. A separate project expands the Walker Road/Murray Boulevard intersection.

Construction start: May 2023
Construction finish (expected): December 2024

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5/24/2024: The traffic signal at Walker Road and 158th Avenue will be shutdown 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. from May 28-June 7. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers. Expect delays.

We are temporarily limiting traffic at driveways along Walker Road, starting at 150th Avenue and working toward Butner Road. Work hours are 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. weekdays.

Retaining wall and stormwater pipeline installation is on-going.

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Also see:


Cost Estimate: $30.2 million

Funding Sources:

Prior events and comment opportunities

Meet the contractor open house: May 18, 2023

Open house: June 16, 2020

Open house: May 30, 2018

