We will widen the Walker Road and Murray Boulevard intersection with dual left-turn lanes and dedicated right-turn lanes on all four sides of the intersection.
We will also add a third southbound lane on Murray Boulevard, from south of Butner Road through the Walker Road intersection. The additional lane will become a dedicated right-turn lane at Bowerman Drive, south of the intersection.
Other improvements include replacing two bridges over Cedar Mill Creek, adjacent to the intersection, and replacing two culverts on Walker Road between Far Vista and Park Way.
This project is in partnership with the city of Beaverton, Clean Water Services and Tualatin Valley Water District.
Construction start (expected): Winter 2025-26
Construction finish (expected): Spring 2029
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3/21/2025: We are still working on land use approval and design updates. Construction is delayed until land use approval and permitting are complete.
Also see: Walker Road Projects
Cost Estimate: $37.1 million
Funding sources:
- Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP 3d and 3e)
- Utility reimbursements
Flood Information
We are installing new bridges and culverts at the following locations:
- Murray Boulevard, south of Walker Road (Cedar Mill Creek)
- Walker Road, east of Murray Boulevard (Cedar Mill Creek)
- Walker Road, west of Park Way (North Johnson Creek)
- Far Vista Drive, south of Walker Road (North Johnson Creek)
This work includes realigning a portion of North Johnson Creek where it meets Cedar Mill Creek. We are submitting a required Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
This work is expected to change the the flood zones northeast of the Walker Road and Murray Boulevard intersection. In most cases, property owners should see a less and less frequent flooding from these creeks during large storms.
- CLOMR Narrative and Hydraulics Report(Link is external) (August 2022)
- CLOMR Hydraulics Report(Link is external) (2020 draft)
- CLOMR Hydrology Report(Link is external) (2020 draft)
National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Rate Maps
- Map 4167C0 368E(Link is external) (2016)
- Map 4167C0 368F(Link is external) (2018)
- Map 401240 368E(Link is external) (2016)
- Map 401240 364F(Link is external) (2018)
- CLOMR Topographic Work Map(Link is external) (August 2022)
- Topographic Work Map(Link is external) (2020 draft)
Prior events and comment opportunities
June 16, 2020 update:
May 30, 2018 open house:
May 16, 2016 open house:
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Capital Project Services
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