You may pay your ticket by mailing a check or money order and a copy of the citation to: The Washington County Justice Court, 3700 SW Murray Blvd., Room 2400, Beaverton, Oregon, 97005. OR you may call the court between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday and pay by phone using your Visa, Mastercard or Discover card.
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Provides information about training and testing requirements for foster providers for people with developmental disabilities in Washington County.
Developmental Disabilities
Advisory Council
Information on the mission and membership of the DD Advisory Council.
Developmental Disabilities
Applying for Services
Information on how to apply for I/DD services and the process for how eligibility is determined.
Developmental Disabilities
Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN)
Free substance use treatment and resources are available to anyone who resides in Washington County.
Addiction Services
Brokerage Services
Provides information about brokerage services for adults with developmental disabilities in Washington County.
Developmental Disabilities
Can I pay for my ticket without having to appear?
Frequently Asked Question
Justice Court
Carewell SEIU 503
Carewell online tools for care providers to manage their training and benefits.
Non-county resource
Developmental Disabilities
Carewell Training
Carewell SEIU 503 Training provides homecare and personal support workers and personal care attendants with mandatory and continuing training.
Non-county resource
Developmental Disabilities
Carina Medicaid Oregon In-Home Care Provider Registry
Find registered in-home care providers in Oregon who provide Medicaid or OPI home care services.
Non-county resource
Developmental Disabilities
Case Management
Provides program and resource information about the types of services available through Washington County Developmental Disabilities.
Developmental Disabilities
Children's Foster Care
Information and resources on becoming a foster care provider for children with developmental disabilities
Developmental Disabilities
Information on submitting a complaint regarding the DD Division or I/DD services.
Developmental Disabilities
Contact the Court
This page describes how to contact the Court. Find a map and directions, as well as contact information here.
Justice Court
Contact/Visit Us
Contact information, directions, and information on our paperwork drop box.
Developmental Disabilities
County-Funded Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
If substance use has become a problem and you are ready for help, we are here to support you. Find out if you qualify for County-funded treatment for substance use disorders.
Addiction Services
Current Adult Foster Care Provider Resources & Training
Provides forms and resources for foster providers for people with developmental disabilities in Washington County.
Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Learn about events and activities hosted by Washington County.
Developmental Disabilities
Do you offer traffic school to keep the violation off of my driving record?
Traffic safety school is offered to youth and adults with no prior traffic convictions, who have not already participated in a traffic diversion program. You must also meet eligibility requirements set forth by the Court as determined at your Court appearance.
Frequently Asked Question
Justice Court
El Programa de Desvío del Condado de Washington
Las personas elegibles que son citadas o arrestadas por posesión de una sustancia controlada pueden evitar el enjuiciamiento al participar con éxito en un tratamiento por uso de sustancias.
Addiction Services
eXPRS User Help Guides
User Help Guides for the ODHS eXPRS Express Payment & Reporting System
Non-county resource
Developmental Disabilities