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County-Funded Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

If substance use has become a problem and you are ready for help, we are here to support you. Find out if you qualify for County-funded treatment for substance use disorders.

Substance use disorder treatment is often covered by insurance. If you do not have coverage, Washington County may be able to help. Funding is available for people with very low income who have limited or no insurance coverage. To be eligible you must live in Washington County. Services are available for youth and adults.

There are many agencies that can provide these services and supports. For questions about eligibility, call the treatment provider agency of your choice and ask for county-funded services. Please see the list of providers below.

The Washington County Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN) has additional options for free and low cost substance use treatment services. The BHRN webpage also has links to a map that shows all treatment providers in the network, along with related services and resources.

Mental Health Treatment

Washington County also provides some mental health treatment funded by the county for uninsured and low-income individuals. Please visit our mental health webpage for more information.

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