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Contact the Fair Board or Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee
Addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for the Fair Board and Fairgrounds Advisory Committee
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons
Continuum of Care Grant Application
Learn about grant opportunities, programs, and events serving the homeless and persons at risk of homelessness.
Continuum of Care System Performance
View HUD System Performance Measurements and Reports related to the reduction of homelessness.
County Fair
The Washington County Fair has Big Fair Fun every summer in late July.
County resource
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons
Day Centers & Homeless Resources
Information about day centers and other resources for people experiencing homelessness.
Documents and Maps
Find Westside Commons planning documents pertaining to the Master Plan Update, Event Center, and governance.
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons
Fair Board
The Fair Board's primary function is to oversee the planning, preparation, and production of the annual Washington County Fair.
County resource
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons
Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee
The Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee (FDAC) provides advice and counsel to the Board of Commissioners on the Fairgrounds Master Plan, Fairgrounds Capital Projects Plan and other major site-related initiatives.
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons
Homeless Counts and PIT Resources
Homeless counts and resources for the annual Point In Time (PIT) Count occurring the last 10 days of January each year.
Homeless Management Information System
Forms, information, and resources for Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) users in the Washington County Continuum of Care.
Housing and Supportive Services Network
The Housing and Supportive Services Network (HSSN) meets to provide networking and education opportunities to service providers working in the region and housing and supportive services assignments.
Retired Advisory Bodies
The Homeless Solutions Advisory Council fulfills the role and replaces the former Continuum of Care (CoC) board and Homeless Plan Advisory Committee for Washington County. See prior CoC policies, CoC meeting materials, and HPAC meeting materials.
Westside Commons: Planning for the Future
Future plans for Westside Commons, formerly known as the Fair Complex.
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons
Help offered for wildfire evacuees
County providing place for wildfire evacuees and animals to shelter
Media release
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons
Washington County considering diesel alternative for fleet vehicles
Washington County is gearing up to convert to a cleaner, more sustainable fuel source for our diesel-burning vehicles. Moving away from fossil-based diesel will help to reduce particulate and greenhouse gas emissions from about 100 vehicles in our fleet.
Media release
Washington County Donates Crashed Sheriff's Office Motorcycle for Community Education
Washington County’s Fleet Services Division, in partnership with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, has donated a patrol motorcycle previously involved in a serious crash to the Oregon Department of Transportation for statewide community education.
Media release
Washington County employs first all-electric vehicle
Washington County Fleet Services announces the addition of the all-electric Chevrolet Bolt into the County’s Motor Pool fleet.
Media release
Washington County Fair Complex Master Plan Survey
The Washington County Fairgrounds Advisory Committee invites community members to help shape the future of the Fair Complex by taking the Master Plan Survey.
Media release
Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons