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Homeless Counts and PIT Resources

Homeless counts and resources for the annual Point In Time (PIT) Count occurring the last 10 days of January each year.

Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Census

Since 2003, HUD has required continuums across our nation to report the number of people who are homeless at a particular time of the year (in the last week of January). The annual homeless count facilitates the need for continuums to collect demographic data and report on the number of people experiencing homelessness. The data is used for (1) housing and service planning, (2) demonstrating need, (3) raising public awareness, (4) accurately identifying the needs population, e.g. chronically homeless and veterans, and (5) measuring performance in reducing/ending homelessness. The work activities performed by the CoC membership, with oversight by the CoC Board.

Recent Point In Time Homeless Count Data

Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) and Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA)

The LSA replaced the AHAR in Federal FY2018 reporting period. The reports below represent the CoC data collection on participant engagement in homeless shelter and housing programs between October 1 and September 30 in the Washington County's Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

For questions or additional information, please contact the Washington County HMIS System Administrator.