HUD system performance measurements
Metric 1: CoC Goal <30 Days, Reduction in Length of Time People Remain Homeless
Metric 2: CoC Goal <5%, Reduction in % of People Returning to Homelessness (Recidivism)
Metric 3: CoC Goal 5%, Reduction in # of People Experiencing Homelessness
Metric 4: CoC Goal 20+% Earned Income and 56+% Total Income, Increase in % of Adults who Gain or Increase Income (HUD-funded CoC Program)
Metric 5: CoC Goal 5%, Reduction in People Experiencing Homelessness for the First Time
Metric 7a1: CoC Goal 20%, Increase in % of Adult Head-of-Households Exiting from Street Outreach to Permanent Housing (PH)
Metric 7b1: CoC Goal 80%, Increase in % of Adult Head-of-Households Exiting to PH or retain Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
HUD system performance reports
Please contact Washington County HMIS System Administrator with questions or comments.