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A Road Home

Learn about A Road Home, a plan to develop strategies, programs, and activities that assist homeless families and individuals move to housing and self-sufficiency.

Homelessness is a community concern with no jurisdictional boundaries and can best be addressed through a comprehensive plan focused on prevention and ending of homelessness, and implemented through collaborative partnerships to care for this most vulnerable population. A Road Home is the cornerstone to developing strategies, programs, and activities that can best assist homeless families and individuals move to housing and self-sufficiency.

Ending a complex problem like homelessness requires a commitment from all members of our community – government officials, faith and civic groups, philanthropies, businesses, housing and service providers, and concerned individuals. Following a 5-month outreach and engagement process with nearly 80 community stakeholders, the Washington County Board of Commissioners approved the next phase of A Road Home on June 19, 2018.

Please direct all comments or questions to [email protected], Community Engagement Program Coordinator.

Annual work plan (current fiscal year)

Annual homeless assessment reports

2014 Homeless Assessment Report - Not Available

2012 Homeless Assessment Report - Not Available