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Housing and Supportive Services Network

The Housing and Supportive Services Network (HSSN) meets to provide networking and education opportunities to service providers working in the region and housing and supportive services assignments.

The Housing and Supportive Services Network (HSSN) meets to provide networking and education opportunities to service providers working in the region and housing and supportive services assignments.

All service providers working in Washington County and offering housing and supportive services are invited to and encouraged to join this collaborative work. Please email us to be added to the monthly meeting and email list, [email protected].

Public Comment

Submit Anonymous comments/feedback pertaining to our homeless system.

HSSN Meeting Materials

Please see the HSSN Meeting Materials list for dates of upcoming meetings, agendas, minutes and videos from past meetings.

HSSN Partners

With the Department of Housing Services facilitating the lead role, Washington County's Housing and Supportive Services Network (HSSN) has established itself as a vital networking and educational meetings for homeless services in the metro region. The group is largely composed of representatives of direct service providers, homeless/formerly homeless consumers, advocates, business, nonprofit and public agencies who share a commitment to developing a system of care to support people at-risk or experiencing homelessness.

To learn more about our partner organizations, visit our partner webpage.