Washington County ranked second Healthiest Employer in Oregon
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Yes, however your new CHL will be valid 4 years from the date of issuance – not extended by 4 years. If you choose to renew early, you will lose any extra time for which you have already paid.
Yes, Washington County Ordinance 8.12.127 requires revocation of your permit for failure to pay any fee, fine, or penalty within 90 days. The ordinance also allows the sheriff to revoke your alarm permit for excessive false alarms during any rolling 12-month period.
In addition, any unpaid false alarm fines that caused the revocation may be sent to collections. When this happens, the alarm user must pay off the balance of their alarm account, as well as any related collection charges before the account can be removed from "revoked" status.
No, car alarms do not need to be registered.
In most cases, yes. But that change will not be effective until after the construction is complete. We will then need to submit a LOMR to FEMA to update the current Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS).
In come cases, property owners may still need to carry flood insurance if improvements do not relieve all the flooding impacts to nearby properties.
Oregon law provides some limits on where a person with a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) can carry a firearm, and federal laws contain a few more prohibitions. Even if you have a Concealed Handgun License, you cannot carry a firearm on any of the following properties: