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Community Outreach

The Sheriff’s Office provides unique and comprehensive opportunities to schedule safety presentations, events, and tours to promote community and law enforcement partnerships, and enhance public safety.
Community Outreach

Our staff coordinates a variety of programs geared towards enhanced safety. We work hard to provide unique and comprehensive opportunities to promote community and law enforcement partnerships. By working together and organizing these very specific programs, we can further our efforts and goals to build trust, be accountable, provide excellent service and be the safest major urban county in Oregon.

We invite you to explore these programs, and email us for more information or to get involved.

Safety presentations

Safety Presentations

We welcome the opportunity to share informational and educational presentations with local groups and organizations, promoting public safety through various topics. These presentations can be geared towards youth and adults of all ages and presenters can adjust to fit needs and time constraints. Presentation topics include:

Sheriff's Office updates

Find out how we’ve been working to improve community safety and learn more about our role within our county’s public safety system.

Neighborhood Watch/Business Watch

Work with your neighbors to establish or revitalize this proven crime prevention program. Through this program, we will partner with you to:

  • Implement crime prevention techniques to make your neighborhood less attractive to criminals.
  • Build community, working together.
  • Identify when and how to report suspicious behaviors and crimes.
  • Address your neighborhood concerns.

Learn more about our Neighborhood Watch program.

Internet safety

Open the dialogue between parents/guardians and children and take the necessary steps to keep our kids safe online.

  • Avoiding online dangers, guidance for both adults and youth.
  • Addressing current online concerns for our community’s youth.

Older adult safety & elder safe

Learn about this unique Washington County program, geared specifically to support our 65 and older population. Closely aligned with the county justice system, Elder Safe assists older victims of abuse, fraud, and crime. They also work with the public through prevention education.

Learn more about our Elder Safe program.

Washington County Jail

Schedule this unique opportunity to learn more about our county’s only jail and explore the following:

  • How we’ve adjusted operations to maintain safety throughout COVID-19.
  • Jail policies and procedures and recent changes.
  • Jail staff’s daily routines from an inside perspective.

Scams and fraud

Scams and Fraud attempts come in all too many forms, including online, over the phone, through the mail, or in person. We prepare you to protect your identity by covering the following topics:

  • Identifying scams.
  • Current and common scams circulating.
  • What to do if you are a target of a scam.
  • Getting help after falling victim to fraud.

Learn more about Identity Theft

Additional topics and Spanish presentations are available by request. Contact Public Affairs(Link sends email) with questions or to schedule.

Submit an event or speaker request

We prioritize community outreach and creating positive, lasting relationships with our community members and groups. We also utilize community events and functions as educational opportunities for enhanced crime prevention guidance. If you have an upcoming event and would like to extend an invitation for our staff to attend, please reach out to us via email or call 503-846-5930(Link opens phone app).

Schedule a tour

Precinct Tours

Precinct Tours

We invite groups of all kinds to come visit and tour our facilities. This is a great opportunity to see firsthand the operations behind this vital profession. Our tours walk our visitors through many of our different, yet essential, work areas which could include Property and Evidence, Patrol Briefing, our in-house Courtroom, Jail Visiting and Master Control, and more. This can be a wonderful educational experience for anyone interested in learning more about our local public safety system.

Call 503-846-5930(Link opens phone app) or email us for more information or to schedule a precinct tour.

Jail Tours

Availability for Jail tours is currently limited and will be considered on a case by case basis. We offer adult community groups the opportunity to exclusively tour our jail facility. We are proud of our operations and appreciate showcasing our county’s only jail. Tours may encounter adults in custody from behind locked doors and take our visitors through locations which could include jail booking and intake, a housing pod, or even the kitchen. Tours are for adults only and are not intended for rehabilitative purposes.

Juveniles may view the housing pods from our public visiting areas or outside the entrance of the secure perimeter. The purpose of youth visits should only be interest in a possible career path or learning about the criminal justice system.

All visitors must complete a Tour Agreement prior to your scheduled visit. Call 503-846-2798(Link opens phone app) for more information or to schedule a jail tour.

Connect with your Community Outreach Specialist

Outreach TypeCoverage AreaEmail/Phone
Outreach Type: Spanish OutreachCoverage Area: Immigrant, Refugee, Multi-Cultural CommunitiesEmail/Phone: (Link opens in new window)

503-846-2763(Link opens phone app)

Outreach Type: Central and East Area OutreachCoverage Area: Aloha, Metzger, Bull Mountain, Unincorporated East County/South CitiesEmail/Phone:

503-846-2774(Link opens phone app)

Outreach Type: North Area OutreachCoverage Area: Bethany, Cedar Mill, Oak Hills, Rock Creek, Raleigh Hills, Garden HomeEmail/Phone:

503-846-5578(Link opens phone app)

Outreach Type: Older Adult OutreachCoverage Area: Older Adult Communities (aged 65+)Email/Phone:

503-846-6048(Link opens phone app)

Outreach Type: West Area and Municipal OutreachCoverage Area: Rural and Western Washington County, Cities of Cornelius, Banks, Gaston, and North Plains, all other non-specified locationsEmail/Phone:

503-846-5930(Link opens phone app)


Sheriff's Office Headquarters and Jail

215 SW Adams Ave
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123

Hours and directions

Sheriff's Office East Precinct

3700 SW Murray Blvd.
Beaverton, Oregon 97005

Hours and directions

Sheriff's Office Bethany Station

4876 NW Bethany Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97229

Hours and directions

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