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Sheriff Services by Location

Learn about the range of policing and law enforcement services in Washington County that are provided depending on location.
smiling deputy outside

The Sheriff’s Office provides a range of policing and law enforcement services in Washington County. Some of our services reach the entire county, while others are available only in certain areas, such as unincorporated areas or in our Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District.

Use this page to learn how we serve your community. Not sure which types of services apply to you? Enter your address on our interactive map to determine Who Serves My Neighborhood.

Countywide services

Sheriff’s deputies and staff provide policing services to all residents of Washington County through specialized work assignments. Our countywide services include:

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Crash Analysis Reconstruction Team

The Crash Analysis Reconstruction Team (CART) investigates and reconstructs traffic crashes that may result in the prosecution of felony Assault or Manslaughter charges. These crashes often involve an impaired driver involved in a serious injury or fatal crash.

Crisis Negotiation Unit

Our crisis negotiators work to establish ongoing dialog and rapport with the person or persons involved in the incident. Team members gather information on those involved, interview witnesses, compile psychological profiles, develop threat assessments, and analyze intelligence information. We also rely on mental health consultants who deploy with the team and consult with a certified Psychologist. 

Mental Health Response Team

The Mental Health Response Team (MHRT) is a unique program offering optimum care to those in crisis anywhere in the county. It is not uncommon for individuals in an emotional crisis or suffering from mental illness to have contact with law enforcement.  Deputies and clinicians from the Mental Health Crisis Team pair together to provide a rapid response from a skilled law enforcement officer and immediate intervention with an experienced clinician.

Narcotics Team

The Westside Interagency Narcotics (WIN) Team is a task force aimed at targeting all drug traffickers in and around the Washington County area. This team also provides continued training in the areas of illegal drug laboratory activity and recognition, basic drug identification, and the symptoms of its use.

Tactical Negotiations Team (SWAT)

The Tactical Negotiations Team (TNT), commonly known as SWAT, responds to extremely hazardous situations countywide where conventional police tactics and equipment may be inadequate. These incidents may involve hostages, armed suicidal subjects, clandestine drug labs, barricaded wanted subjects, or warrant service in high-risk arrests of dangerous felons.

Canine (K9) Team

Our Canine Team consists of six dogs paired with patrol handlers, each trained and dedicated in tracking or narcotics detection.


The Sheriff's Office provides non-criminal fingerprinting services to the public with the use of high-quality, non-ink, live-scan processing.


Crime Scene Technicians within our Forensics Unit identify and collect evidence at crime scenes. This evidence is then transported back to the Forensics lab where it is examined by our four Criminalists for additional leads.

Property Evidence

Our Property and Evidence Unit currently stores over 100,000 items of evidence, found property, and property held for "safekeeping." Civilian Evidence Officers are responsible for the preservation, destruction, and release of all items placed in their care.

School Resource Officers

School Resource Officers (SRO) work in collaboration with educators, students, parents, and the community to reduce crime, drug abuse, violence, and to provide a safe school environment.

Transport Unit

The Transport Unit is responsible for transporting adults in custody (AIC) for medical services not available in-house, moving to and from other jails and detention facilities, and the courthouse for court appearances. With 572 AICs at a given time, it takes tremendous coordination among CSTU staff, regular jail staff, and others to transport so many AICs at the right times to the right places.

Alarm Permits

Washington County established an alarm ordinance to discourage costly false alarms, which take deputies off patrol where they could be answering actual emergency calls. The Alarm Permits team maintains over 16,000 alarm permits for residential and commercial properties

Civil Processes and Court Orders

Trained staff in our Civil Unit ensure all court orders are complete before serving the documents to the person named on the paper or a responsible party, when applicable by law.

Concealed Handgun Licenses

Oregon law requires a concealed handgun license (CHL) to maintain public safety and promote responsible gun ownership. The Sheriff's Office is responsible for processing all CHLs for Washington County.

County Jail Operations

The Sheriff’s Office houses the only County Jail and staff work around the clock to keep it safe and secure for visitors, staff, and adults in custody.

Marine Patrol

Our Marine Patrol works hard to keep all county waters safe and enjoyable for the community through education, environmental stewardship and proactive enforcement.

Mobile Field Force (Crowd Control)

Our Mobile Field Force (MFF) team responds to incidents that may threaten the security of facilities, transportation, and communications systems throughout the county. They deploy during riots or political demonstrations to contain those involved to designated areas and ensure those not involved are able to enter or exit surrounding areas without being harmed.

Search and Rescue

Our Search and Rescue program teaches young men and women important life skills and unique insight into the exciting career fields of Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services. Our members are primarily involved in Search and Rescue missions for lost people, downed aircraft, and evidence in major crimes.

Sheriff Deputy looking across a field

Rural unincorporated areas

If you live in an unincorporated area of Washington County, the Sheriff’s Office is your primary police provider. We are the first responders when you call 911, and our deputies are on patrol in your neighborhood. The same assigned beat deputies patrol these rural areas so they are familiar with your surroundings, can build relationships with local residents, and partner with community organizations.

Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District

Through a local option levy passed by voters, the Sheriff’s Office provides extra law enforcement services within the urban unincorporated areas of Washington County, denoted as the Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District (ESPD).

Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District map.

Some neighborhoods within the ESPD include:

  • Bethany
  • Cedar Mill
  • Cedar Hills
  • Aloha
  • Reedville
  • Garden Home
  • Metzger
  • Rock Creek
  • Raleigh Hills
  • Bull Mountain
  • Bonny Slope
  • West Slope
  • Oak Hills
  • And more…

To find out if you live in the ESPD, enter your address on our interactive map, Who Serves my Neighborhood.

Enhanced services offered within the ESPD, the Sheriff’s Office:

  • Responds to 911 calls as the primary law enforcement provider
  • Provides an enhanced level of law enforcement services, including stringent parking regulations
  • Investigates major crimes, including homicide, assault, burglary and domestic violence
  • Engages in crisis intervention and de-escalation when working with those experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis
  • Provides community outreach and public affairs, working with community members, businesses and allied agencies, and social media to prevent crimes through education and community policing strategies

Municipal Partner Services

Sheriff's Car

The Sheriff's Office offers a wide range of policing and law enforcement-related services to cities on a contract basis. By purchasing services from the Sheriff's Office, these cities gain the efficiencies of a larger organization at a lower cost.

We provide the following services to community members who live within the listed city limits:

All police services:

Alarm Permit administration:

  • Hillsboro

Criminal Records services:

  • King City


Sheriff's Office Headquarters and Jail

215 SW Adams Ave
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123

Hours and directions

Sheriff's Office East Precinct

3700 SW Murray Blvd.
Beaverton, Oregon 97005

Hours and directions

Sheriff's Office Bethany Station

4876 NW Bethany Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97229

Hours and directions

View all county locations

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