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Sex Offender Registration

Oregon law requires those convicted of sex crimes who live, work, or attend school in Oregon to registered as a sex offender. Find out more about the registration process.
Registration form

Oregon law requires those convicted of sex crimes who live, work, or attend school in Oregon to registered as a sex offender. Sex offender registration is designed to help law enforcement identify convicted offenders in the community, monitor compliance with Oregon State Police (OSP) guidelines, and prevent future sex offenses.

Community members and those convicted of sex crimes can find information regarding registration below. For additional information not listed below, email Oregon State Police(Link sends email) or call 503-934-1258.

Oregon sex offender records

All Oregon law enforcement agencies submit registrations to the Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registration Unit. This unit maintains sex offender records, provides assistance to victims of sex offenders, and supplies information to law enforcement agencies.

To view the predatory sex offender database visit the Oregon State Police(Link is external) website. 

How to register

Registered sex offenders are required to report to a law enforcement agency in the county where they reside. To register with the Washington County Sheriff's Office, you must meet one of the following reporting conditions:

  1. Reside within Washington County
  2. Attend school in Washington County
  3. Work within Washington County

Registered sex offenders who do not meet the listed reporting conditions may be referred to their local law enforcement provider or the Oregon State Police (OSP) for sex offender reporting.

For more information on law enforcement providers within your county, visit Oregon State Sex Offender Registration page.(Link is external)

All registered sex offenders are required to provide complete and accurate information each time they report and must sign the completed sex offender registration form.

Come prepared

  • Bringing government issued photo identification will assist in the reporting process.
  • For your initial report, please bring any court documentation regarding the judgment of conviction.
  • You will be fingerprinted for your initial report.
  • You may be photographed each time you report.
  • The Washington County Sheriff’s Office does not collect any fees for reporting.


Washington County registrants may report to one of two Sheriff’s Office locations, you must schedule an appointment(Link is external) to update your registration. Visit our online scheduling(Link is external) for availability and to schedule your sex offender reporting.

The act of scheduling an appointment does not satisfy any reporting requirements. A WCSO employee will still need to facilitate your updated registration. If your appointment is canceled or rescheduled, it remains the responsibility of the individual registered sex offender to maintain their compliance with their reporting requirements.

  • Law Enforcement Center
    215 SW Adams Avenue
    Hillsboro, Oregon
  • Sheriff's Office East Precinct
    3700 SW Murray Boulevard
    Beaverton, Oregon


Registered offenders must contact law enforcement:

  • Within 10 days of a change in residence.
  • Within 10 days of a legal name change.
  • Annually within 10 days of birth date, regardless of recent contact due to changed residence or otherwise reported.
  • Within 10 days of the first day working or attending an institution of higher education.
  • Within 10 days of a change in work or attendance status at an institution of higher education.
  • At least 21 days prior to any intended travel outside of the United States.

Risk assessment

Registration is for life unless the person is released by the court. House Bill 2549, passed in 2013, directed the Department of Corrections to adopt a risk assessment tool to classify each registered sex offender based on their risk of reoffending in the community. This assessment also establishes general rules regarding community notification.

  • Registrants with a Notification Level I may be eligible for granted relief.
  • Registrants with a Notification Level II or III may be eligible to apply for reclassification.

To apply for relief or reclassification contact the Oregon Board of Parole(Link is external).

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