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North Bethany Subarea Plan

North Bethany became part of the regional Urban Growth Boundary in 2002. Community planning started in 2006.

The county and area service providers took an innovative approach to the North Bethany Subarea Plan. We planned and designed the area as a complete community to include housing options, retail and urban services. Planning consisted of two key components:

We gathered public comment at community coffees and open houses as part of the North Bethany planning effort. The area includes single-detached homes, apartments and neighborhoods around parks and commercial areas. The central Main Street area design creates commercial areas and high-density housing opportunities. The complete street network blends with the community design and with surrounding areas.

North Bethany regulations include Community Plan requirements, urban land use districts and Community Development Code standards adopted through these land use ordinances:

  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 712 (effective 11/27/09). North Bethany Subarea Plan which provides for future work to address implementation.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 730 (effective 11/26/10). Regulations, including urban land use districts and Community Development Code standards.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 739 (effective 11/25/11). Plan refinements and regulations, including urban/rural compatibility standards. Building variety and design and road landscape maintenance are also included.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 744 (effective 5/24/12). Plan refinements including a new Primary Street P16 Area of Special Concern, Primary Streets P15 and P16 map changes and clarification of gateway provisions.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 745 (effective 7/26/12). Refinements adding new Areas of Special Concern and provisions for primary street alignments. Includes plan amendment criteria, new development standards for cluster housing and land use district boundary amendments, Planned Developments, and alternative partition standards for conveyance of land for parks and stormwater facilities.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 766 (effective 8/22/13). Regulations allowing more flexible access to neighborhood routes with lower traffic.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 771 (effective 11/21/13). Regulations allowing public utility location (except for electrical substations) and language clarifying Subarea Plan maps descriptions.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 789 (effective 11/28/14). Plan refinements to the West Community Park and adjacent street alignments.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 790 (effective 11/28/14): Plan refinements to the alignment of Primary Street P2, west of Kaiser Road.
  • A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 801 (effective 11/25/16). Plan refinements to the configuration, allowed uses, landscape screening and buffering related to the Natural Features Buffer with Fencing.
  • Ordinance No. 805 (effective 11/27/15): Plan refinements to the alignment of Primary Street P2, east of Kaiser Road.
  • Ordinance No. 843 (effective 11/13/18): Plan refinements to the alignment of NW Schackelford Road, east of Kaiser Road.

Urban Design Plan for the North Bethany Main Street

The North Bethany Main Street is about 13 acres near the North Bethany community center. NW Kaiser Road bisects it. Homes are close to the Main Street’s mixed-use commercial area so residents can walk. This creates a "complete" community.

The Main Street Area calls for:

  • Building scale and form reflecting its role as the community’s focal point
  • Mixed-use buildings, high density-housing, retail uses and services to serve the community
  • “Main Street” design: on-street parking, pedestrian scale and urban design features
  • A strong relationship to the adjacent future parks
  • A civic use in a central prominent location, with an adjacent public gathering area

The Main Street Plan started in 2017 with help of a consultant and a project advisory committee. Two open houses provided community feedback.

A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 838 (effective 11/22/28) created Urban Design Plan recommendations for new Main Street dimensional and design standards. A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 846, (effective 6/27/18) made minor corrections to the plan.