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North Bethany Funding

The North Bethany Transportation Funding Strategy (Resolution & Order 11-70) provides a road map to make sure there is sufficient transportation funding for the North Bethany Subarea.

The North Bethany Community Plan requires that an adequate level of transportation funding be assured prior to urban development occurring. This requirement can be found in A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 730, Exhibit 10 of the Implementing Strategy. Once an adequate level of transportation funding is assured, a legislative plan amendment may remove the FD-20 designation and apply urban land use designations. The North Bethany Transportation Funding Strategy provides the road map for the assurance of adequate transportation funding.

The North Bethany Transportation Funding Strategy calls for a mixture of existing and new revenue tools to assure the funding for a complete transportation system for the North Bethany Subarea. This mixture of funding includes up to $10 million (in today's dollars) from the county Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP) MSTIP revenue to be allocated towards an improvement in the vicinity of the North Bethany Subarea. As well, the strategy assumes 75% of the revenue and/or credits generated by the Transportation Development Tax (TDT) within the North Bethany Subarea to be allocated towards improvements within the Subarea (the remaining 25% of TDT revenues collected from the North Bethany Subarea can be used to assist with the funding of other transportation improvements elsewhere on the County system).

North Bethany Transportation Funding Strategy also includes two new revenue sources to be used in conjunction with the existing funding sources described above. The funding strategy must remain interim until these 2 new revenue sources have been adopted. These revenue sources include:

  1. North Bethany Transportation System Development Charge
    This was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners concurrent with the North Bethany planning ordinance A-Engrossed 730, on October 26, 2010. This System Development Charge works similar to and supplements the Transportation Development Tax (TDT). These fees are paid by developers at the time of a building permit.
  2. North Bethany County Service District for Roads
    In the May 17, 2011 election, voters in the North Bethany Subarea approved Ballot Measure No. 34-189, thus taking the necessary step to create the North Bethany County Service District. It was then established by the Board of County Commissioners on June 7, 2011. This revenue will be in the form of an additional amount incorporated into the property taxes of the tax lots within the North Bethany Subarea.