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Neighborhood Streets Selection Criteria

Our Neighborhood Streets Program (NSP) helps improve the quality of life in urban neighborhoods outside cities by reducing speeding and cut-through traffic. Here is the selection criteria.

Phase 1: Changing Driver Behavior

1. Determine eligibility

Streets must be:

  • In unincorporated Washington County, outside of city limits
  • Classified as a local, neighborhood route or meet "residential collector" criteria

2. Recommend treatments

Potential recommendations include:

  • Speed trailer
  • Neighborhood Speed Watch program
  • Lawn signs

3.  County may recommend  Phase 2

  • If Phase 1 activities do not provide desired results

Phase 2: Changing the road environment

4. Determine eligibility

All roads must have

  • Posted speeds ≤ 35 mph
  • 85th percentile speeds ≥ 5 mph over posted speed

"Local streets" or "neighborhood routes" must have:

  • Maximum of two lanes
  • ≥ 1,000 vehicles per day

"Residential collectors" must have:

  • Road length ≥ 500 ft
  • Residential property frontage
  • At least three of these:
    • ≥ 50 fronting properties/mile
    • On-street parking
    • No bike lane
    • No center two-way left-turn lane

5. Rank eligible projects

  • Determine and rank eligibility of projects

6. Circulate petition

  • Only one signature from each property owner
  • 51% must sign to move forward

7. Draft a traffic calming plan

  • Collaborate with neighborhood

8. Vote on traffic-calming plan

  • One vote from each property
  • Non-returned ballots = no "vote"

9. Share traffic-calming plan

  • Traffic-calming plan distributed by mail or at community meeting

10. Implement traffic-calming plan

  • Implement plan as decided

11. Finished

  • Review project results

Neighborhood Streets Program staff collects and analyzes data about existing conditions on all street that are part of the program. Find more information in the Neighborhood Streets Policy.

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