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Neighborhood Streets Program - First-Year Solutions

Our Neighborhood Streets Program (NSP) helps improve the quality of life in urban neighborhoods outside cities by reducing speeding and cut-through traffic. Here are possible first-year solutions.

Possible First-Year Solutions:

Reminders to Slow Down

In most cases, speeding is a habit, not from deliberate decision to break the law. Reminders to slow down - such as lawn signs alerting drivers to check their speeds - can help change driving behaviors. You can request lawn signs (two per address) with "slow down" messages.

Trim brush

Neighbors or County crews can trim and remove brush to improve sight distance and access to sidewalks and paths for pedestrians. Request service.


We may be able to post appropriate traffic control signs, including speed limit, no-parking, dead-end, school zones and more.

Neighborhood Speed Watch Program

This program allows your neighborhood to check out a radar unit to record vehicle speeds. The unit identifies the registered owners through the Department of Motor Vehicles. The owners are sent confidential courtesy letters, asking them to slow down. The letters are not citations; they are reminders about speed limits and neighborhood safety concerns.

Rumble Strips

Installing raised buttons across the road, serves as a "wake up" call, alerting drovers to upcoming situations. These strips are often used before curves, crosswalks and warning or speed signs.

Speed Radar Trailer

A portable speed trailer with a radar unit can detect speeds of passing vehicles, displaying those speeds on a digital reader board. Showing drivers their actual speeds. compared to posted speeds, encourages them to slow down.

Pavement Markings

Painting of legend, symbols and lines on roads, including lane lines, edge lines, and school crossings, help remind drivers to slow down.

Neighborhood Newsletter

Creating a personalized newsletter mailed to your community can inform people about traffic volumes,  speeds, recommended traffic-calming measures, traffic laws, pedestrian safety and more.

Target Enforcement

More patrols by the Washington County Sheriff's Office can significantly reduce speeding and other unsafe driver behavior. Call 503-846-3998, ext. 1145 and leave a message requesting additional enforcement or submit an online request.