
Agritourism in Washington County
Agritourism in Washington County, Oregon

The Aloha-Reedville Study was a three-year planning effort to enhance community quality of life and address future growth.

Aloha Tomorrow
The Aloha Tomorrow Study (2017) implements the community vision of the Aloha-Reedville Study and Livability Community Plan.

Arterial Pedestrian Crossings
Project funding supports 8 sites to advance to survey and preliminary design.

Cooper Mountain Transp. Study
The Cooper Mountain Transportation Study will identify and refine long-term options for roadway connections within and around the Cooper Mountain study area.

Equitable Housing Report
Our Equitable Housing Barriers and Solutions project identifies regulations and codes that made housing development challenging. The Equitable Housing Site Barriers and Solutions Final Report recommends code changes and policy and program support changes.

First and Last Mile
The objective of the First and Last Mile (FLM) project is to provide strategies for improving connections between transit and commuter destinations.

Improving School Access
Washington County is committed to active transportation. Road improvement projects to fill sidewalk gaps, Safe Routes to School program facilitation & development of bicycle lanes separated from traffic/pedestrian facilities demonstrate that commitment.

Moving Forward TV Highway
The Moving Forward TV Highway project seeks to improve bus transit performance for the Line 57 Frequent Service route and create safer conditions for walking and bicycling along TV Highway between Cornelius Pass Road and 160th Avenue.

North Bethany Funding
The North Bethany Transportation Funding Strategy (Resolution & Order 11-70) provides a road map to make sure there is sufficient transportation funding for the North Bethany Subarea.

North Bethany Service District for Roads
The North Bethany County Service District for Roads (NBCSDR) was approved by voters in 2011. Property owners within the district pay a property tax $1.25 per $1,000 of assessed value.

North Bethany Subarea Plan
North Bethany became part of the regional Urban Growth Boundary in 2002. Community planning started in 2006.

TV Highway Corridor Plan
To make travel within and through the area safer and more convenient for all travelers,, the TV Highway Corridor Plan (TVCP) identifies critical improvements and application of an adaptive corridor management approach.

Short-term rentals
Short-term rentals are not regulated in Washington County. In recent years, community members sent emails and letters and testified before the Washington County Board of Commissioners about the impacts some short-term rentals have on the community.

Transportation Futures Study
The Oregon Legislature provided funding for the Wash. County Transportation study allowing staff and regional partners to focus on the long-term transportation strategies and investments necessary to sustain future economic health and quality of life.

Urban Reserves Transportation Study
The Urban Reserves Transportation study looked at how future development of Washington County’s urban reserve areas affects transportation.

SNR: A Focused Look
This project updated the County’s natural resource program including limited updates to the County’s inventory maps, policies and land use development standards.