Ongoing Training Resources
Foster providers and their staff must have at least 12 hours of approved training each year. This is required to maintain your foster care license.
Homes certified as Level 2B or Level 2M may have extra training requirements as outlined in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 411, Division 360(Link is external).
A training must be approved to count toward your annual training hours. Trainings are approved by the state's Adult Foster Home Training Credit Committee. The state has a training website that lists courses approved for training credits.
ODHS Approved Training Courses
If a training is not approved, providers can ask the state to approve the training. Use the "Training Credit Approval" link on the state training website.
DD Training Co-Op also has training opportunities(Link is external) for providers who support people with disabilities.
Facility/provider-related forms
The following forms and resources are for your use. Most are samples, but others can (or are required to) be printed and posted and/or filled out. They are separated into forms that relate to the facility and those that relate to the resident.
- Application for employment (sample form)
- Checklistfor adult foster care license
- Complaint procedure (required to be posted in all foster homes)
for adult foster home licensees
- Correcting documentation errors
- DD adult foster home forms on the DHS/OHA website
- Emergency phone number list (sample)
- Emergency plan (sample template)
- Emergency supply list (FEMA brochure)
- Fire evacuation and smoke/carbon monoxide detector checks (sample)
- Hot water can burn (Oregon Burn Center brochure)
- House rules (sample)
- Menu (sample)
- Provider/staff training log (sample)
- References
- Residency Agreement form
(required to be posted in all foster homes)
- Substantiated abuse notification
- Substitute caregiver orientation record (sample)
- Tips for meeting training hour requirements
- Training requirements summary
- Websites/resources for foster care providers
Resident-related forms
- 1:1 staffing record (sample)
- Activities record (sample)
- Aspiration/choking protocol (sample)
- Constipation protocol (sample)
- Dehydration protocol (sample)
- Drug disposal record (sample)
- Financial record/ledger (sample)
- General protocol (sample)
- Incident report (sample)
- Medication administration record (sample)
- Personal property record (sample)
- Pica protocol (sample)
- Resident record table of contents (sample)
- Seizure protocol (sample)