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Nutrition and Meal Programs

In-person and home delivered meal options for older adults in Washington County

Meal programs for older adults (60+) in Washington County are offered in two ways. First, there are nine locations around the county that offer healthy, in-person meals. Second, there is an option for home-delivered meals for individuals who are unable to attend an in-person meal site.

Meal sites

Culturally specific meal sites

Meals on Wheels People

Please contact Meals on Wheels People (MOWP) by phone at 503-736-6325 or visit Meals on Wheels People (MOWP) to request a home-delivered meal or to find out more about one of their meal sites.

  • Elsie Stuhr Center - 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
  • Forest Grove Senior Center - 2037 Douglas Street (Tuesday and Thursday)
  • Juanita Pohl Center - 8513 SW Tualatin Rd., Tualatin (Tuesday and Thursday)
  • Sonrise Church - 6701 NE Campus Dr., Hillsboro (Tuesday and Thursday)
  • North Plains Senior Center - 31450 NW Commercial Street (Monday and Wednesday)
  • Tigard Senior Center - 8815 SW Omara St., Portland (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)