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Adult Protective Services and Elder Abuse

Abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of their age, sex, race, religion or ethnic/cultural background. Elder abuse occurs when an older adult age 60+ experiences abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.

Abuse can happen in many places, including an older adult’s home, a family member's house, or a residential setting such as assisted living or foster care home. This mistreatment can be from family members, strangers, health care providers, caregivers or friends.

Risk factors for abuse may include:

  • Older age
  • Illness
  • Dependency on others
  • Social isolation
  • Substance use or substance use disorder

Elder abuse may take many forms, including:

  • Theft or fraud
  • Misuse of financial resources
  • Neglect, such as failing to provide for basic needs
  • Self-neglect, including the inability to make safe decisions
  • Yelling insults or threats
  • Physical or sexual abuse, including inappropriate restraints
  • Withholding food or medication
  • Abandonment
  • Health care fraud by medical staff

For more information about the warning signs of elder abuse and additional resources, get the facts on elder abuse(Link is external).

What is happening?Who do I call?
Elder abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation in Washington CountyAdult Protective Services at 971-673-5200(Link opens phone app)
Elder abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation anywhere in OregonStatewide Reporting Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE(Link opens phone app) (7233)
A crime has been committedCall 911 or your local law enforcement agency
Someone is being hurt right now or is in dangerCall 911 immediately

Victims of abuse may be reluctant to seek help or tell anyone about their situation for many reasons. Caller’s names are kept confidential and are only released by court order. You can also report abuse anonymously.

If you want information about any substantiated abuse or neglect allegations at a specific long-term care facility, see the Licensed Long Term Care Settings facility search tool(Link is external) and search by name or facility type and location. After clicking on the facility name, choose the "Violations" tab.

The APD licensing updates page(Link is external) provides a weekly update on licensed facilities and adult foster homes with a Restriction on Admission or Order of Immediate Suspension in process. The purpose of this page is to inform the public about these regulatory actions. Information on all other sanctions, including other license conditions, civil penalties, and survey history, is available on the OHDS licensed long-term care compliance web page(Link is external).

The Elder Safe program in Washington County helps victims age 65+ after a crime is reported. Advocates provide emotional support and information about their case and the criminal justice system. This can also include court advocacy, filling out forms, or other types of support. For more information, contact 503-846-6048(Link opens phone app).

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