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Regional Long-term Rent Assistance

Find information about Regional Long Term Rent Assistance (RLRA) program, related resources, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Regional Long-term Rent Assistance (RLRA) program

Partner with Washington County and Service Partners to provide housing opportunities for households with Regional Long-term Rent Assistance (RLRA) vouchers. The RLRA program was established in 2020 by County voters through the Supportive Housing Services Measure to provide rental assistance and wraparound services to households facing housing instability. This measure therefore supports landlords willing to make their housing units available to these households, creating a partnership that will work towards creating successful tenancies and housing in our community. See our landlord recruitment flyer below to learn more:

Direct contact

County landlord liaison coordinator committed to responding within two business days to answer questions or direct you to resources via email and phone.

Financial protections

  • Risk Mitigation Fund to cover damages, unpaid rent /utilities, legal fees
  • Sign on bonuses, security deposits, holding fees.

Interested in being a part of the program? Reach out to the Landlord Liaison at 503-846-4807 or [email protected]

Quick links to resources:


Renting to some with an RLRA voucher means guaranteed rent! The rent portion that is the responsibility of Washington County will be sent by the same date each month. Should the tenant not be able to pay their portion of rent, staff will support the tenant in the process of applying for additional assistance programs. These vouchers also cover security deposit assistance, including an increase in the security deposit if necessary to address screening barriers.

Voucher may also be used to cover application fees and a holding fee to the landlord to cover costs while the inspection takes place and move in paperwork is processed.

Finally, this voucher includes a “Risk Mitigation Pool”. Landlords that have a tenant with an RLRA voucher are able to access a fund that can cover up to $5,000 for damages above and beyond normal wear and tear covered by the security deposit. This is managed through a claim process with the Housing Development Center. Click here to learn more or to start a claim.

The rental unit will be inspected to make sure that it meets the Housing Quality Standards. The inspector will examine the exterior of the building, the plumbing and heating systems, the exits and hallways, and each room in the unit to make sure the unit is safe, clean, and in good condition.

The unit must be either occupied by the voucher holder or vacant at the time of the first inspection, and all utilities must be turned on. The inspector must have access to the unit itself, the basement, and all common areas.

The Department of Housing Services may not pay any Housing Assistance Payments for a unit that has not passed the Housing Quality Standards inspection. The RLRA program allows for landlords to access up to $1,000 to address issues that the inspection finds that are a barrier to move in. Please reach out to your prospective tenant’s case manager and they can help you with that process.

The unit will be re-inspected each year to ensure that it continues to meet Housing Quality Standards. If any deficiencies are found during an inspection, you will be notified in writing and given approximately 30 days to complete any necessary repairs.

A copy of the HQS inspection criteria can be found in the landlord handbook, Window of Opportunity. We encourage the landlord to review the inspection criteria prior to the scheduled inspection.

The rent you charge must be reasonable compared to other units of similar size in your community. The DHS will compare your rental to other, similar rentals in the community to ensure that the rent is reasonable. Additionally, you may not charge higher rent to and RLRA households just because they have a voucher.

The contract rent for the unit may not be increased during the first year of tenancy. However, it may be increased at any time after the first year with a 60-day notice to the tenant and the DHS. The rent must continue to be reasonable in comparison to similar rentals in the area.

While Washington County cannot be a traditional co-signer on a lease for a participant, the RLRA program components work together to cover the risks that a co-signer is typically used for.

A co-signer is responsible for the rent if a tenant does not pay, which is the function of the voucher. The voucher always covers the same amount of rent, and that will always be sent to the landlord. If the tenant is unable to cover their portion, the case manager is there to work with the tenant to access additional resources to cover their portion.

The DHS will mail the landlord Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) on the first working day of each month. You may choose to be paid by paper check, or complete the EFT Application and email it back to us [email protected] for electronic payments.

The landlord is responsible for collecting the tenant portion of the rent each month.

Tired of dealing with Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) checks each month? The Department of Housing Services now offers two payment options: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments.

EFT payments are sent directly to the bank account of your choice. To apply, complete the EFT Application and e-mail it back to us [email protected].

Questions about EFT or Reliacard? Please send an email to our EFT Contact [email protected].

All households with an RLRA voucher are paired with an agency and a case manager. The case manager works with the participant to understand the rules and responsibilities of tenancy, including reviewing all program and building rules. They provide housing retention case management and connections to ongoing supportive services as needed to ensure stable tenancy.

There is regular contact between the case manager, the landlord and the tenants to work collaboratively towards a successful tenancy by addressing issues before they result in lease violations or damages, including a commitment to return all communication within 2 business days.

During the first year, the tenancy may not be terminated for "no cause". However, you may terminate the rental agreement during the first year for "good cause". "Good cause" includes violations of the rental agreement and non-payment of rent, to name a few. Just like all renters, RLRA tenants are obligated to abide by their rental agreements. After the first year of tenancy, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement without cause at the end of any defined term.

You may determine how the rental agreement renews after the first year by stating the renewal terms in the rental agreement when it is signed with the tenant. It is encouraged for the landlord to engage with the case manager and tenant if issues that threaten the tenancy arise, to work towards solving the issue and saving the tenancy before initiating eviction proceedings.