The Sheriff’s Office provides a number of services related to vehicles and parking in Washington County. In addition to enforcing all Oregon Revised Statutes regarding parking violations countywide, Sheriff's deputies also enforce specific rules that vary depending on where you are in the county - for example, some services only apply in unincorporated areas or the Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District (ESPD).
To report an issue or make a request for service, please call our non-emergency dispatch center at 503-629-0111. Dispatchers can direct you to the appropriate agency to address your parking or vehicle concerns.
Parking regulations
Parking within the Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District
The Sheriff’s Office enforces parking ordinances within the Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District (ESPD). If you are in the ESPD and notice a vehicle that is not following one of the parking rules listed below, please call our non-emergency dispatch center at 503-629-0111 to report what you have seen.
To find out if you live in the ESPD, enter your address on our map, Who Serves My Neighborhood.
Parking rules in the ESPD:
- No person shall use a vehicle or recreational vehicle for overnight lodging on a public right of way for a period in excess of 48 hours at the same location or within a two-mile radius of the same location.
- No person shall park a recreational vehicle on a residential street for a period in excess of four days (96 consecutive hours) in any 28-day period.
- No person shall park a commercial vehicle, as that term is defined in ORS 801.208(Link is external), on a residential street.
- No person shall park in front of the entrance of any place where mail is received or within ten feet of a mailbox during the hours of 8 am and 5 pm.
- A vehicle shall not be parked on a public street or public right of way without license plates, with expired tags, with expired registration, or with expired temporary licensing permit.
- No person shall park a vehicle in a manner which interferes with use of the right-of-way, the safe flow of traffic, or obstructs the view of other drivers.
Parking in unincorporated Washington County
If you live in unincorporated Washington County outside ESPD and the Metro Urban Growth Boundary, County Prohibited Parking Ordinance 8.16(Link is external) applies.
RVs and trailers
We receive many questions about whether RVs and trailers can legally park on neighborhood streets. The answer varies depending on location.
- Within the ESPD, the rules listed above apply. Please call the non-emergency dispatch center at 503-629-0111 to report an RV or trailer that is in violation.
- In cities, a city ordinance may apply. Contact your city or visit their website to find more information.
Abandoned vehicles
Abandoned vehicles on a public right-or-way

The Sheriff’s Office can remove abandoned vehicles on a public right-of-way within unincorporated areas of Washington County. If you live in a city, contact your local police department.
A vehicle is considered "abandoned" if it has been on a public street or right-of-way for more than 24 hours and:
- It appears to be disabled or inoperable, and/or
- It does not belong to anyone in the immediate area
If a vehicle meets these criteria, please report it by calling the non-emergency dispatch number at 503-629-0111. The dispatcher will need the following information:
- A description of the vehicle
- License plate or VIN
- Location
- How long it has been there
- Your name and a contact phone number or address
You must provide your name and a contact phone number or address, or we cannot process your complaint. This information will be kept confidential.
Abandoned vehicles on private property
The Sheriff’s Office is not authorized to tow abandoned vehicles from private property. Oregon Revised Statute 98.830(Link is external) contains a simple procedure for the owner or person in lawful possession of private property to remove an abandoned vehicle from it.
Towed vehicles
There are many reasons for law enforcement to tow a vehicle. For instance, some vehicles are abandoned and considered roadway hazards. Others are towed because the driver was arrested for a specific traffic crime.
If your vehicle has been towed, please call the Washington County Sheriff's Office Records Unit at 503-846-2700. A Records Specialist will be able to tell you which tow company has your vehicle and if you need a signed vehicle release prior to retrieving your vehicle. The tow company will require proof of ownership and payment of towing and storage charges before they will release the vehicle.

Sheriff's Office Headquarters and Jail
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123