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Candidate and Measure Filing Forms

Candidate and Measure filing forms for Washington County, Oregon.

For filing deadlines please see the Calendar of Events

Measure Filing Forms & Instructions


Candidate Filing Forms & Instructions


Precinct Committee Person

Voters' Pamphlet Filing Forms

Joint County Voters' Pamphlet (JCVP) forms will now be accepted at these four counties: Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas and Yamhill. If a candidate or measure is in two adjoining counties and a filer wants to put the same exact Voters' Pamphlet statement in both counties the same copy of the JCVP form can be submitted to both counties. Older version forms will still be accepted in their perspective county.

Note: JCVP forms are subject to periodic changes and revisions. Previously published versions of the JCVP will still be honored and accepted for filing.


2925 NE Aloclek Drive
Suite 170
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

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