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Water Conservation

Conserving water and using our water resources wisely is an important part of Washington County's sustainability initiatives.

Washington County reduced its water use by 42% per FTE since 2008 – mostly through improved irrigation practices.  Below are some of the ways we have achieved this feat. 

  • Central Control System – Allows 15 of 19 County sites to be controlled from a single location. Lets crews make adjustments remotely and improves control over the system. 

  • Sprinkler Intelligence – Sprinklers are programmed to water depending on the needs of each type of plant. 

  • Flow Sensors – Measures the amount of water flowing from each site, allowing crews to detect leaks more easily.  A master valve allows crews to shut down the system if a leak occurs. 

  • Multi-Stream Nozzles – More efficient nozzles that allow us to water less.