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Waste and Recycling

Reducing, reusing and recycling are important components of the County's waste management.

Washington County reduced garbage by 19%, increased recycling by 24% and more than doubled composting per FTE since 2008. Below are some of the ways we help the County better manage its waste. 

  • ReUse Store – Provides free, used office supplies for County employees.  We recover items that might have been donated or thrown away and make them available for pickup. 

  • Water Bottle Stations – These stations allow employees to fill their reusable water bottles and reduce their dependence on single use plastics. 

  • Durable Dish Program – Employees can reserve durable, reusable dishes and tablecloths for County events.  Items include plates, bowls, cups, silverware, and tablecloths. 

  • Centralized Waste Bins – Common office areas have bins for trash and mixed recycling.  Individual offices may sign up to add compost, bottle return, batteries, and plastic film collection.  

  • Special Collections – We partner with TerraCycle to offer recycling of bottle caps, pens and markers, and broken office supplies. 

  • Building Deconstruction – Instead of completely demolishing buildings, Washington County deconstructs them to donate usable materials to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.