When a project is in the concept stage, there are general guidelines from the funding authority regarding project scope, including a side for construction. However, the project design team walks the project location and completes survey of the project area. Then, a decision is made regarding which side to construct the sidewalk on one side or another. Other variables must also be considered when selecting which side to build a sidewalk, including:
- Existing features in the public road right-of-way (ROW), such as trees, overhead and underground utilities, etc.
- Need for permanent ROW easements or dedications
- Drainage, ditches
- Survey details such as topography, slopes, large amounts of ground cut or fill
- Location of facilities and users, such as a school, apartments, etc.
- Tie into other existing sidewalks or paths
- Possible future projects or extensions
As the design has advanced, we determined the sidewalk will be placed on the south side of Downing Street-Butner Road.