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Century Boulevard Extension (Main Street to Lois Street)

NE Century Boulevard runs north and south, but ends at Main Street (formerly Baseline Road) without connecting to SE Century Boulevard. Extending the road will provide travelers a new route connecting homes and businesses.

We are building a three-lane extension of Century Boulevard between Main Street and Lois Street, including a new road segment between Main and Borwick streets. The project will also include a bridge over Rock Creek and a road realignment between Ariel and Lois streets to create the connection at SE Century Boulevard.

We are also building continuous sidewalks and bicycle lanes, adding street lights and storm drain improvements. Continuous sidewalk and bicycle facilities, street lighting, and storm drainage upgrades are also included.

Crosswalks will be installed north of Main Street at the same time for the City of Hillsboro.

Construction start (expected): August 2025
Construction finish (expected): June 2026

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2/13/2024: Construction dates have been adjusted.

Street trees are scheduled to be removed in February, ahead of construction. By removing the trees in the winter, we minimize the impact to nesting birds.

We are tentatively scheduled to advertise for construction contractor bids in April. Construction could begin as early as May 2025. An open house is being planned to share construction plans.


Cost Estimate: $38.5 million

Funding source: Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP)

Prior events and comment opportunities

Open House: March 19-April 11, 2021

Open House: Dec.12, 2019

Open House: Feb. 28, 2019

Project Updates


This project has been included in the city of Hillsboro’s Transportation System Plan (TSP) since 1999. It is one of four projects selected to increase access to jobs in the north part of the city and housing to the south:

  • Complete the Century Boulevard (formerly 231st Avenue) corridor
  • Widen Cornelius Pass Road
  • Complete Brookwood Parkway/Shute Road corridor
  • Enhance access to US 26 via Jackson School Road. 

Traffic models show that 185th Avenue, Cornelius Pass Road and Brookwood Parkway are not enough to meet future travel demands of the area. 

Century Boulevard is funded through the Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP 3e).

Public feedback was collected during phase of project selection and design:

The connection reduces vehicle miles traveled, which impacts greenhouse gas emissions. Residents living south of Main Street travel a significant distance to reach a north/south connection (Brookwood Parkway or Cornelius Pass Road).

It also provides a needed bicycle connection to Main Street, decreasing travel time for those who walk their bikes through Noble Woods.

Models project traffic on Century Boulevard between Main Street and Cornell Road will increase by 15-20% when the bridge opens. This is about one additional vehicle per minute in each direction.

When South Hillsboro is fully built traffic on this section of road is expected to be 25-30% more than in 2019, about two additional vehicles per minute in each direction.

The impacts to the park entrance are being coordinated with the City of Hillsboro Parks & Recreation Department. A Rapid Flashing Beacon will be installed at Borwick Street.

A noise study will be conducted to determine expected noise impacts.

The Dark Sky-compliant LED streetlights will be at a frequency that will not disturb nocturnal animals.

A total of 47 trees are expected to be impacted by the project:

  • 12 trees between 6-12 inches in diameter.
  • 30 trees between 12-24 inches in diameter.
  • 5 trees larger than 24 inches in diameter.

We will install at least 60 trees and shrubs in the project area. We are coordinated with the Hillsboro Parks & Recreation Department (HPRD) to plant additional trees in front of Noble Woods Park. We are investigating additional planting locations.

A wetland survey has been conducted and sent to the Department of State Lands for review. There is a possibility that the project may not impact any wetlands, but it could have minimal wetland impacts.

Any impacts will be mitigated within the existing drainage basin.

Possible deterrents are being investigated.

Development is unrelated to the road project. For more information, contact Hillsboro’s Planning Department at 503-681-6153.

Traffic signals on Century Boulevard at the light-rail crossing and at Cherry Drive are a single system. The signals respond together to pedestrians, trains and vehicles to prevent safety issues.

Hillsboro updated the traffic signals in 2019 to allow for more complex timing. The city will modify the timing with changes in traffic volume. The city is aware of traffic backups when two light-rail trains cross Century Boulevard in a short period of time and is working with TriMet to minimize backups safely.

Hillsboro and Washington County are making improvements to encourage commuters to use Cornelius Pass Road and Brookwood Avenue.

Hillsboro must follow federal rules and state laws when determining where to install traffic lights and crossing enhancements, such as marked crosswalks and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB). An engineering study is completed to determine safety improvements.

A traffic signal will be installed at the SE Lois Street and Century Boulevard intersection as part of the Century Boulevard Extension.

A crosswalk with a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) will be installed at Century Boulevard and Borwick Street intersection.

Hillsboro is in discussion with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to install a traffic signal at the SE Imlay and Tualatin Valley Highway intersection.

Intersections with Century Boulevard studied, but not meeting the requirements for enhancements are:

  • NE Dogwood Street
  • NE Oelrich Street
  • SE Francis Street

If conditions change, improvements will be are prioritized alongside other locations throughout the city.

See Hillsboro’s TSP Update.

The Orenco Townsite Area falls within the Orenco Station Community Planning Area which has community-specific development regulations and design standards that were developed with involvement of community members. The purpose of the regulations and standards is to conserve the historical and cultural significance of the area of the original community of Orenco preserving and restoring the plat plan and site layout of the original 1908 community and its 1911 addition.

For more information, contact Hillsboro’s Planning Department at 503-681-6153.

The TSP does not call for any additional lanes, however dedicated turn lanes could be added at signalized intersections if needed to improve traffic flow.
