Washington County celebrates first successful deflection completion
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We recognize that issues like housing and employment have a big impact on an individual’s well-being. We do not have direct access to either, but we can connect you with agencies that can help.
Mental health medication can be an important part of some people's treatment. Decisions about medications would come after your assessment. If medications seem to be indicated, we will arrange for you to meet with our medical staff. Medication evaluations are not done on a walk-in basis and are usually scheduled for a few days after your first assessment. This allows us to obtain any previous records and coordinate with your primary care doctor or other service providers. This is important to ensure you can continue medication services after your visit. We do not provide ongoing medication management at the Hawthorn Walk-In Center.
Help is always available by calling the 24/7 Crisis Line at 503-291-9111. They may suggest you visit the Hawthorn Walk-in Center in person.
Our staff includes trained peers who have personal experience with mental health challenges and addiction. They’re great listeners and will be happy to meet with you.
Yes! Call us at 503-846-4903 for more information and to schedule. We offer on-site presentations for virtually any group or organization within Washington County. The speaker can provide information about addiction and problem gambling. Evening and weekend presentations are available.