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Birth Records

How to order a birth certificate for babies born in Washington County, Oregon

Birth records must be ordered by an authorized individual (see below). They are not automatically sent out after a baby's birth. You may apply to Washington County for a birth record up to the last day of the fifth month from date of birth. For example, if your baby was born on January 10, you can apply for a birth record from Washington County until July 9 during regular business hours.

Use the order form below to request a birth record. Fill it out completely to avoid a delay. Each certified birth record is $25. If you apply in person, we can take cash, check, money order or credit card. If you apply by mail, we can take a check or money order made payable to Vital Records. Do not mail cash or include a credit card number when ordering by mail. You must mail or bring proof of identity. Visit the State's website(Link is external) for a complete list of what identification is accepted.

Who can order a birth certificate

  • The mother of the baby if the mother is named on the certificate. If the baby has been given up for adoption, the biological mother cannot order a birth certificate.
  • The father of the baby named on the certificate. If the father is not legally married to the mother of the baby and a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity was not established, the biological father cannot order a birth certificate.
  • The maternal grandparents, if the mother is listed on the certificate (bring a copy).
  • The paternal grandparents, if the father is listed on the certificate (bring a copy).
  • The legal representative of the baby. Legal representatives include attorneys, physicians, CPAs and other authorized agents acting on behalf of the baby or their immediate family. If you are an attorney, you must state whom you represent. If you do not legally represent the baby, include how your client is related to the person on the record. If you are a legal guardian or have power of attorney, you must enclose a copy of the legal document. If you are not eligible to order the record, include a permission note with the notarized signature of an eligible person.

Orders from people who are legal guardians will be filled after we receive a copy of the legal guardianship document, custody document, notarized power of attorney, etc. If a child is a ward of the state, the foster parent should have a permission note on letterhead from the children’s agency. Copies of all legal documents should be attached to the order form.

Six months or longer from the date of birth

Certified copies for individuals who were born in Oregon six months ago or longer must be obtained from the Oregon Health Authority(Link is external).


Vital Records (Birth and Death Certificates)

155 N First Avenue
Suite 170, MS 5
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

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