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Tobacco Prevention - Resources for Health Care Providers

How to integrate tobacco cessation into your clinical workflows as a health care provider.

Integrating tobacco cessation interventions in your health care practice

Health care clinicians can change or improve their offices to ensure that:

  1. Every patient is screened for tobacco use status, and the status is documented.
  2. Patients who use tobacco are advised to quit and provided options for evidence-based treatments.

A tobacco cessation workflow helps provide practical strategies for how to offer these services. The workflow should identify who carries out each step of the intervention, when each step occurs, and what information is needed at each step. A clinic workflow is an important part of developing or modifying the electronic health record (EHR).

There are many tools available to help get started. You can start with some of the resources below or contact Gwyn Ashcom at 503-846-4544.

Dimensions: Tobacco free toolkit for health care providers

This toolkit contains a variety of information and step-by-step instructions for education about tobacco use, skills for engaging individuals in tobacco cessation discussions, methods for determining people's readiness to quit, and information and research on treatments.

Dimensions: Tobacco-free toolkit for health care providers – behavioral health

This toolkit contains information on tobacco use and health, why individuals with behavioral health conditions use tobacco, assessment and planning for change, tobacco cessation treatment, and specific findings regarding tobacco cessation medications and behavioral health conditions.

Treating tobacco use and dependence: A toolkit for dental office teams

Two additional resources for dental teams:

Clinical tobacco cessation work flow examples

American Academy of Family Practice (AAFP) Office Champions: A Systems Based Approach

Trauma-informed treatment policy

You can use this template for developing a policy that will support staff in having conversations with clients regarding tobacco use that are empowering, culturally appropriate and trauma informed.


RX for Change - This is an online comprehensive tobacco cessation training program providing health professionals of all disciplines with the knowledge and skills for assisting patients with quitting.

Treating Tobacco Use in Oregon: Tools for Helping Your Patients Quit - Provided by the Oregon Health Authority, this self-paced 45-minute course focuses on intervention and interviewing techniques that will improve your ability to help patients quit tobacco. The course can be started, paused and resumed as needed. This training has been reviewed and is accepted for up to 1.0 prescribed credit from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). For other licensing boards that may not pre-approve continuing education credits, please submit the certificate of participation to your accrediting body.

Using the Oregon tobacco quit line service

  1. Oregon Tobacco Quit Line
  2. Quit Line Materials
  3. E-Referrals Frequently Asked Questions
  4. Fax Referrals Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Verbal Consent Fax Referral Form - A staff signature is now only needed to note that a client gave consent to be referred to the Quit Line.
  6. Standard Fax Referral Form (English)
  7. Standard Fax Referral Form (Spanish)

Tobacco resources

  1. CDC: Quitting Smoking
  2. CDC: Quit Smoking Resources
  3. Additional web resources for patients who want to quit can be found on the Washington County's I want to Quit website.