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Adult Recovery Court Eligibility

Describes who is eligible for the Adult Recovery Court program and what types of cases are accepted.

Who is eligible

To be considered for Adult Recovery Court (ARC) individuals must reside in Washington County and be facing new criminal charges or already on probation and currently in violation.

If you have a client that you would like to refer for an evaluation for entry, please complete a Justice Reinvestment (JRI) application:

Submitted JRI Referrals will be staffed during a joint meeting between Washington County Community Corrections and the Washington County District Attorney’s Office to determine if a client will be considered for the Adult Recovery Court Program. Following approved consideration, the client will need to complete a JRI Evaluation and if the evaluator recommends Adult Recovery Court participation, that proposed client will receive further information regarding entrance through their Defense.

Eligibility and exclusionary crimes

  • Nonviolent class C felony cases
  • Nonviolent class A misdemeanor cases
  • Nonviolent probation/revocation cases
  • Other felony/misdemeanor cases that do not involve the below exclusion criteria:

Presumptive excludable but subject to review

  • Reckless Endangerment
  • Robbery III
  • Tampering with Drug Records
  • Misdemeanor Possession of a Weapon
  • Some Delivery of a controlled Substance
  • Burglary (Level 7 and below)
  • Nonviolent juvenile adjudications
  • Previous participation in a Drug Court program comparable to Washington County’s

Excludable Criteria

  • Substantial quantity cases
  • Commercial drug offense
  • State believes the defendant is associated with a gang or criminal enterprise
  • Previous person crime convictions (most chapter 163 and Robbery cases)
  • Multiple person crime arrests
  • Violent offenses
  • Measure 11 offenses and attempts
  • Cases that involve furnishing to a minor
  • Current offense of DUII
  • Possession of a firearm/Unlawful Use of a Weapon Involving Firearm
  • Current offense involving child support payments