These agencies usually have sand and sandbags available during major flooding events. During localized flooding, contact the specific agency for availability. All sites are self-service.
- City of Banks
Sunset Park (south end of town)
Banks, ORContact: Jolynn Becker
Phone: 503-324-5112(Link opens phone app)
Email: jbecker@cityofbanks.orgContact: Conner Hayes
Phone: 503-729-1065(Link opens phone app)
Email: City of Beaverton
Corner of SW Allen & Scholls Ferry Road (Enter off 9600 SW Allen through Operations Department parking lot)
Beaverton, ORContact: Steve Curtis
Phone: 503-350-3646(Link opens phone app)
Email: City of Cornelius
1300 S Kodiak Circle
Cornelius, ORContact: Ryan Howell
Phone: 503-357-3011(Link opens phone app) (days)
After hours: 503-780-7512(Link opens phone app)
Email: City of Hillsboro
Griffin Oaks Park
1880 NE Griffin Oaks St.
Hillsboro, ORFrances Street Park
6205 SE Frances St.
Hillsboro, ORContact: David Senz
Phone: 503-615-6544(Link opens phone app)
After hours: 503-629-0111(Link opens phone app)
Email: City of North Plains
(Corner of Commercial St. and 321st Ave.)
32150 NW Commercial St.
North Plains, ORContact: Dustin Lueckenotte
Phone: 503-647-5555(Link opens phone app)
After hours: 503-329-4379(Link opens phone app)
Email: City of Sherwood
Sherwood Public Works
15527 SW Willamette St.
Sherwood, ORContact: Rich Sattler
Phone: 503-925-2319(Link opens phone app)
Email: SattlerR@sherwoodoregon.govContact: Travis Lindberg
Phone: 503-925-2327(Link opens phone app)
Email: City of Tigard
8777 SW Burnham Street (adjacent to TVF&R fire station)
Tigard, ORContact: Rob Block
Phone: 503-718-2607(Link opens phone app)
After hours: 503-228-3327(Link opens phone app)
Email: robb@tigard-or.govContact: Mike Lueck
Phone: 503-576-0009(Link opens phone app)
Email: City of Tualatin
10699 SW Herman Road
Tualatin, ORContact: Pam Nold
Phone: 503-691-3091(Link opens phone app)
After hours: 503-629-0111(Link opens phone app)
Email: Clean Water Services
2025 SW Merlo Court
Beaverton, ORContact: James Vitko
Phone: 503-547-8100(Link opens phone app)
Email: Forest Grove Fire & Rescue
1919 Ash St.
Forest Grove, ORContact: Dave Nemeyer
Phone: 503-992-3240(Link opens phone app)
Email: Gaston Rural Fire Protection District
102 E Main St.
Gaston, OR
Phone: 503-985-7575(Link opens phone app)
After hours: 503-629-0111